Holiday Listings Terms and Conditions


  • These terms and conditions are between and the company name entered during sign up registration and payment.
  • Signing up and paying for this service will entitle you to submit unlimited cycling holidays while the subscription is active.
  • This service can only be used to display details of Cycling Holidays.  Any other events, links to unacceptable content ( decides what is unacceptable), offensive language, or fraudulent content will be removed without warning and your subscription and associated account will be cancelled without a refund. 
  • All Cycling Holidays must be available for people to purchase at the time of submission.  This service does not display links to holidays that no longer exist, date passed, or have been cancelled. reserves the right to remove any submissions we decide don't comply.
  • is not responsible for anything associated with your holidays.  This is between the holiday company and its customers.
  • is not responsible for any errors on your listings.
  • All Cycling Holidays with a start date that has passed, will be automatically removed from the site to ensure content is current.
  • Your subscription will automatically renew on the stated renewal date.  Notifications will be sent to your registered email address.  All customers have the option to cancel their subscription before the renewal date.
  • If you cancel your subscription all your submissions will be removed when the subscription expires.  
  • We only accept payment via credit or debit cards using our card provider, Stripe.
  • We do not capture, store, or process payment card details on  Our payment partner, Stripe, processes all payments using their secure site.  Visit for further information.
  • You agree for to collect your name, email, username, website, and all information you submit about your Cycling Holidays.  If you don't agree to this, do not sign up for this service.
  • To manage this service, will need to contact our customers (you) by email.  This includes system-generated emails for notifications and to keep subscribers informed about site-specific updates and changes.  By making payment and subscribing, you agree to your registration email address being added to a distribution list for the duration of the subscription.  Email addresses associated with expired subscriptions will be removed from email distribution lists.
  • The payment amount is in GBP £.  If your card uses a different currency, the card provider will convert it to your currency - they may charge you for this.  It is your responsibility to be aware of these costs before making payment.
  • When payment has been successfully taken, your account will automatically have access to the submit Cycling Holiday page.  Please refer to the help guide for instructions.
  • You are entitled to a full refund within 14 days of making payment if you haven’t used the service.  For clarification – if you have logged into the site and submitted a Cycling Holiday, this is classed as using the service and you are not entitled to a refund.  Our systems collect the last login dates and times, and any holiday submissions.  If you need to request a refund, contact us using our contact form: Contact Us  
  • If you wish to cancel after the 14-day cooling-off period has passed, you are not entitled to a refund.  Your subscription will remain active for the period purchased.

Whilst we do our best to ensure information about listed holidays is accurate, Cycle Touring Org is not responsible for errors.  Please talk directly with the holiday company if you have any questions.

All holiday purchases are made directly with the holiday company, Cycle Touring Org is not involved in any part of the booking process and does not take payments.