Company Information

Company Contact Name
Tom Kearney
Company Profile
With Escape Adventures your travel destinations are on roads less travelled, there will be community visits and stays with local families we have known for years, and trips into jaw-dropping wilderness environments, laying eyes on rich history & immersing yourself into diverse cultures. We strive to create a relaxed, fun and intimate group dynamic that feels like a group of friends on holiday. All our cycle tours are led by our own wonderful Escape leaders who each bring their own unique characteristics but share our philosophies and understand your needs. You will get a strong feeling of organization, trust and professionalism. Our personalized groups are small enough to integrate into local communities without taking over and mean that we can offer the best of ourselves and pay attention to the little things that make a difference.
Company Website
Booking Link

Whilst we do our best to ensure information about listed holidays is accurate, Cycle Touring Org is not responsible for errors.  Please talk directly with the holiday company if you have any questions.

All holiday purchases are made directly with the holiday company, Cycle Touring Org is not involved in any part of the booking process and does not take payments.